How to Fix Your Skin's Most Glaring Flaw

Why are dark skin spots so hard to get rid off? Well, one reason is the by the time you see them, the damage is done and has been going on for years and years. Most of us start to see signs of sun damage in our mid-30's, even still many don't take this sign seriously, until we're in our 50's – then we start to panic.

Dark spots on your face come from aging and sun exposure. Age or sun spots arise when melanin, the pigment in the skin that deepens with tanning, accumulates in one area. Dark spots take years to develop, and once in place must either be covered cosmetically or bleached. Chemical bleaching may lighten the spot, at least temporarily. However, if you decide to cover the spots instead, the process requires some basic makeup products and a little time.

Hide it! Corrective Concealer

Before applying any makeup make sure to wash, exfoliate, and dry your face. Then apply a moisturizer and let sit for a few minutes. It's important to moisturize first for the best and natural results. Apply our concealer and a light makeup base or foundation. Use a product close to the same shade as your skin color. Blend the makeup over the surface of your face. Do not focus on the dark spots.  Remember foundation is meant to even out the overall color of your skin. Now you know how to cover dark spots on the face and body, with a little practice you'll have smoother skin in no time.

Now we can't always avoid the sun – think summer vacation at the beach, or just biking in the summer time – so the next best thing is to wear UV sun protective clothing.

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