Casting Call For Beauty Ambassadors


Looking for natural beauty - she's realistic, more
humane, and simple in nature and appearance with simple dreams to
fulfill. She is a beautiful soul living through experiences. She enjoys
living responsibly and openly. She is a composite of energy beautifully
wrapped in human form. She is a wave that is part of the ocean. She
is the choice-maker.

Now you can be the face of what you love and believe in. If you are coach-able to do promotions and in person appearances for long-term projects that will blend your interests, ignite your
passion, inspire your divine purpose and put you on the righteous path
to pursue your dreams - must be an aspiring talent who's passionate and
creative with open availability so they can shine light everywhere. This
will be an inspiring and exciting journey, think of someone in the
spotlight making a difference with her look & personality. Pure
passion, no inhibitions.

So if you are passionate about something meaningful and looking for ways
to pursue your dreams, then you must be ready and willing to set
yourself free (take a break for awhile from whatever you are doing now)
by honestly and sincerely confronting your fears to leave your comfort
zone and allow yourself to travel for auditions /training and
development (provided). It is only then you are the dream candidate for
this journey. No experience needed but be smart & creative and
absolutely "deeper" in every way. This is not for ordinary talent.

Our goal is to attract the most talented people for this journey at all
levels to fill the open slots. Must have open availability. If you are good at sales and want to grow with our company.

If you feel connection to this concept please reach out - for this role
you should look 17-19, 5'2 to 5'10. Please include a
recent head shot and full body image (selfies are welcome), contact
number, email address including a brief about your personality and
anything else you think that might help us get an idea what you are like
as a person. 
Team Devezin

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